ISO-19139 Metadata
Metadata Information
Metadata language: eng
Metadata character set: utf8
Last update: 2020-05-13
Metadata maintenance:
Update frequency: irregular
User-defined maintenance frequency: With dataset
Other maintenance requirements: Metadata will be updated with dataset if needed
Metadata contact:
Role: pointOfContact
Individual's name: Manfred Mittlboeck
Organization's name: RSA FG Research Studio iSPACE
Contact's position: Key Researcher
Contact information:
Country: AT
e-mail address:
Scope of the data described by the metadata: dataset
Scope name: service
Name of the metadata standard used: ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
Version of the metadata standard: 2007
Metadata identifier: 367c1489c840450ca804857a4a3107fe
Additional locales in which information is available:
Language: eng
Country: AT
Character encoding: utf8
Title: Early music prints (1470-1550)
Locale - eng-AT: Catalogue of early German printed music/Verzeichnis deutscher Musikfrühdrucke (c. 1470–1550)
Alternate title: Musikfrühdrucke (1440-1550)
Reference date
- publication: 2020-05-11
Other citation details: Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project 'Early music printing in German-speaking lands: studies in technical and repertoire development' (P28353-G26). The project comprises the collection, exploratory evaluation and presentation of early printed music in German-speaking countries from the period 1470–1550. This spatio-temporal dataset provides support for communicating and analysing the production of the first printed music in German-speaking countries from the 15th to the middle of the 16th centuries.
Cited responsible party:
Role: pointOfContact
Individual's name: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl
Organization's name: University of Salzburg - Kunst-, Musik- und Tanzwissenschaft
Contact information:
Voice: +43 (0)662 8044 4654
Delivery point: Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotzstraße 1, Raum 2119
City: Salzburg
Postal code: 5020
Country: AT
e-mail address:
Online resource:
Online location:
Function performed: information
Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project 'Early music printing in German-speaking lands: studies in technical and repertoire development' (P28353-G26). The project comprises the collection, exploratory evaluation and presentation of early printed music in German-speaking countries from the period 1470–1550. This spatio-temporal dataset provides support for communicating and analysing the production of the first printed music in German-speaking countries from the 15th to the middle of the 16th centuries. The underlying vdm-database is a regularly updated and distinguishes between the ‘edition level’ for the abstract idea of the book, and the ‘copy level’ for the individual exemplars of the same edition. This datasets includes the editions only and currently has 1226 features.The database aims to bring together information on all books with printed staves and/or music notation that were published in German-speaking lands from c. 1470 to 1550. It is designed to provide codicological descriptions of these editions based on a physical inspection of at least one extant copy. In cases where it was not possible to view a physical copy, the information is provided from the major bibliographical sources (RISM, ISTC, GW, VD16, etc.) or from digital images. In the descriptions, particular emphasis is given to the technicalities of music printing. An edition is defined as the totality of all copies produced in the same print run. It is characterised by a distinct title page, a colophon, and a specific collation (i.e. the structure of the book). If editions are dated to the same year and have mostly the same contents, but there are variants in the title page, colophon, or collation, we designate them as separate variant editions and distinguish them with the additional designations (a), (b), etc. in the standardised title. Editions that share more than 50% of their content are listed here as related editions. Liturgical books are related by genre and liturgical use, and hymn books are related by title and printer. All known extant copies are listed with the edition. Lost copies are included in the list of copies, while ghost copies (that is, copies mentioned in bibliographies through error) are mentioned under further details. Links to digital copies are given wherever they are available.The complex open-access online database vdm (Verzeichnis deutscher Musikfrühdrucke / Catalogue of early German printed music) was developed as part of the vdm project, for organizing and querying the available early printed music data.Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project 'Early music printing in German-speaking lands: studies in technical and repertoire development' (P28353-G26) (vdm - Verzeichnis deutscher Musikfrühdrucke)
University of SalzburghistoricalArchive
Role: pointOfContact
Individual's name: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl
Organization's name: University of Salzburg - Kunst-, Musik- und Tanzwissenschaft
Contact information:
Voice: +43 (0)662 8044 4654
Delivery point: Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotzstraße 1, Raum 2119
City: Salzburg
Postal code: 5020
Country: AT
e-mail address:
Online resource:
Online location:
Function performed: information
Update frequency: irregular
User-defined maintenance frequency: There are 3 updates planned within the next year.
Scope of the updates: dataset
Update scope description:
Dataset: Data updates in the database will be added to the feature services
Discipline keywords:
Keywords: Musikwissenschaften, geoinformatik, geoinformatics, Geschichte, history, musicology
Place keywords:
Keywords: German-speaking areas, Germany, Austria, German-speaking Switzerland, Low German-speaking areas, Silesia, Lanskroun, Landskron (Bohemia), Moravske Vlkovice, Fulnek (Moravia)
Temporal keywords:
Keywords: 1470-1550, 15th century, mid 16th century, 15. Jahrhundert, Mitte 16. Jahrhundert
Theme keywords:
Keywords: vdm, music prints, early music, musikfrühdrucke, editions, early german printed music, spatio-temporal music data
Resource-specific usage information: This material has been made freely available, in the hope of stimulating further research in this area. If you have any questions, suggestions or recommendations, please contact the former project leader Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl via email (
User contact information:
Role: pointOfContact
Individual's name: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl
Organization's name: University of Salzburg - Kunst-, Musik- und Tanzwissenschaft
Contact information:
e-mail address:
General constraints:
Limitations of use: This material has been made freely available, in the hope of stimulating further research in this area. If you have any questions, suggestions or recommendations, please contact the former project leader Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl via email (
Map Image Layer (ArcGIS REST Map Service)10.8
Extent description: German-speaking areas are defined to include not only modern-day Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland, but also the border territories which lie outside the current country boundaries. In the north, it includes Low German-speaking areas but not Dutch-speaking ones. In the east, Silesia has been included as well as individual locations where there was a large German-speaking community, such as Lanskroun / Landskron (Bohemia) and Moravske Vlkovice / Fulnek (Moravia).
Geographic element:
Bounding rectangle:
Extent contains the resource: true
West longitude: -6.5808
East longitude: 31.344
North latitude: 57.2133
South latitude: 44.016
Temporal element:
Temporal extent:
Spatial Representation
Vector Data
Level of topology for this dataset: geometryOnly
Geometric objects:
Object type: point
Object count: 1226
Content Information
Coverage Description
Type of information: thematicClassification
Attribute described by cell values: OBJECTID, OID, id (VDM), title, place_of_printing, printer, year_from, year_to, year_of_publication, type_of_source, confessional_identity, printing_technique, notation, format, longitude, latitude, hilf_count, link, Shape
Reference System Information
Reference system identifier:
Value: 4326
Data Quality
Scope of quality information:
Level of the data:dataset
Scope level description:
Attributes: OBJECTID, OID, id (VDM), title, place_of_printing, printer, year_from, year_to, year_of_publication, type_of_source, confessional_identity, printing_technique, notation, format, longitude, latitude, hilf_count, link, Shape
Scope level description:
Features: 1226
Resource lineage:
Level of the source data: The database aims to bring together information on all books with printed staves and/or music notation that were published in German-speaking lands from c. 1470 to 1550. It is designed to provide codicological descriptions of these editions based on a physical inspection of at least one extant copy. In cases where it was not possible to view a physical copy, the information is provided from the major bibliographical sources (RISM, ISTC, GW, VD16, etc.) or from digital images. In the descriptions, particular emphasis is given to the technicalities of music printing. An edition is defined as the totality of all copies produced in the same print run. It is characterised by a distinct title page, a colophon, and a specific collation (i.e. the structure of the book). If editions are dated to the same year and have mostly the same contents, but there are variants in the title page, colophon, or collation, we designate them as separate variant editions and distinguish them with the additional designations (a), (b), etc. in the standardised title. Editions that share more than 50% of their content are listed here as related editions. Liturgical books are related by genre and liturgical use, and hymn books are related by title and printer. All known extant copies are listed with the edition. Lost copies are included in the list of copies, while ghost copies (that is, copies mentioned in bibliographies through error) are mentioned under further details. Links to digital copies are given wherever they are available.
For more details:
Source reference system:
Reference system identifier:
Value: 4326
Distribution Information
Transfer options:
Online distribution information:
Name of resource: Early music prints
Online location:
Description: Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project 'Early music printing in German-speaking lands: studies in technical and repertoire development' (P28353-G26). The project comprises the collection, exploratory evaluation and presentation of early printed music in German-speaking countries from the period 1470–1550. This spatio-temporal dataset provides support for communicating and analysing the production of the first printed music in German-speaking countries from the 15th to the middle of the 16th centuries. The underlying vdm-database is a regularly updated and distinguishes between the ‘edition level’ for the abstract idea of the book, and the ‘copy level’ for the individual exemplars of the same edition. This datasets includes the editions only and currently has 1226 features.